Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Solar Energy Real Estate Appraisals

There is an updated form released by the Appraisal Institute® called the Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum (Form 820.04). This form provides a way to value solar energy systems on homes that allow the value to be included in residential and commercial real estate appraisals.
It has long been known that solar energy system increase real estate values and reduce the time on the market for home sales. Only recently have widely accepted tools been released. Since there are so many solar panel systems in Southwest Florida, it’s important that real estate professionals understand the implications during the valuation and buying process so they can advise clients accurately.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Pool solar is on fire!

So many people are getting back into swimming routine this month. Delete Solar has the best swimming pool panels on the market today. Backed by a 10 year warranty on our Heliocol panel, our installers will help you swim warm! The kids will love it and stay in longer AND have more fun. Call for a free quote today 941-343-6100.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Legislative Session 2013

After hearing Will Weatherford on tv saying that there was no room for solar incentives, even though prices have come down drastically, due to the even lower cost of natural gas now. So we are left with the incentives that are available this October and next. They are fantastic so call me this summer to get a free quote 941-915-9911. Shine On!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES Act) June 2009


What is this Cap & Trade thing going to look like by the time and if at all it gets out of the Senate? Time will tell. Lawmakers have some time to make the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES Act), more palatable. It will get watered down some which is why it was a little ambitious from the beginning perhaps. There are items like "weatherizing houses before they can be sold" that concern even the greenest amongst us. We can make laws for the environment that stimulate the economy and help solve our problems in this country without government becoming larger and more overreaching than necessary. What can cap and trade do for Photovoltaics in this country and the world?


Without a doubt, all photovoltaic (PV) technology will stand to advance by greater leaps than ever before. Even more than thin film technology, the poly crystalline market should see unprecedented growth. As investors place their bets, the less risky investment will be the go to technology in the early days of such an incentivized atmosphere. There isn't the track record or proof of performance in thin film yet like there is in the traditional module world. The 20-25 year contracts that will be written for solar installations will pit CSI over thin film in the short run but the allure and ease of the thin film may sway even some of the most conservative pension fund and portfolio managers as they try to ferret out any sound investments in today's climate. With Greece, France, Germany and countries like Spain pulling back their demand, this U.S. policy of cap and trade could bring a much needed industry booth to North America. Because the installation of these technologies can't easily be outsourced, the U.S. should see unparalleled growth of solar regardless of who makes the panels. Would it be nice to keep the entire vertical food chain here? Absolutely. That is what this stimulus plan is intending to do - Ramp up domestic manufacture of solar, wind and other renewable technologies while staying competitive with Asia.


Even in Florida, there is Advanced Solar Photonics in Lake Mary, Florida that produces mostly monocrystalline silicon panels. They are the only panel manufacturer in "The Sunshine State". There are higher dollar rebates ($5 per watt vs. $4 per watt)for these panels in the Florida Solar Rebate program – if they can get certification fast enough for Floridians to take advantage of it before the funds are exhausted. The federal block grant application for funding of this program was accepted and approved in the last part of June. The FL rebate program sunsets though and once the money is gone, it is gone. PV sales in Florida will drop like a rock absent any additional incentives or legislation even with the price of PV down 45% so far this year. A well crafted cap and trade policy or Feed in Tariff model will provide the incentive needed to make solar an investment quality commodity.


The Feed in Tariff model would be a great place for a place like Florida to start. This model would work with any Renewable Portfolio Standard or Cap and Trade Policy that is put in place at the federal level. But making local legislation in advance of any federal mandates would be the smartest thing this suffering state could do. The longer the local legislators wait, the greater the opportunity for investment dollars to find alternative havens for attractive, safe returns. The sense of urgency must be on individual states and counties to pass something meaningful to get the first dollars in. Private investment is available for tax based organizations immediately. The tax based revenue generating power of municipalities etc., is the first place the PV market will see expansion during the uncertain climate. As the economic malaise fades and real GDP growth begins to occur then corporate models will begin to explode as investor's confidence is restored. This confidence is the only way thin film will see a huge increase and the overall economy will need to be much healthier for that day to come.

The first step in the PV puzzle in the U.S. is going to happen at a local level. Whether it be a Sarasota County Pilot Program for a Feed In Tariff or some "Economic Zone" or a sweeping statewide opportunity, we know to get past Florida Power & Light's vocal opposition to distributed generation of small scale solar (Solar on EVERY roof) we would first need to get past the Florida Public Service Commission (sometimes referred to as the "Florida Utilities Commission" based on, it seems, who they are serving). My remarks below are from the June 19th Florida Public Service Commission hearing on the Florida Power & Light base rate increase proposal.

My name is Monica Kennedy. I'm a USGBC LEED Accredited Professional and owner of Elite Solar Services in Sarasota. ( On behalf of all construction workers in the State of Florida that want to get back to work and the Florida Alliance for Renewable Energy, we'd like the Florida Public Service Commission to use all of the knowledge you've worked so hard to get in these renewable energy workshops you've been in over the last year and make it pay off by crafting a Feed-in-Tariff Policy (FIT) for the state of Florida that works and becomes a model for the rest of the country. Setting a policy where a utility is obligated to pay you for your renewable energy plus a reasonable profit is the solution for many problems we face. The FPL rate increase won't help these construction workers in the short term who are suffering the highest unemployment rate of their lifetimes and moving back in with their parents in Northern states. Lori White, the Superintendent of Schools in Sarasota says that 100 students a month are leaving the school system and Sarasota is faring better than other counties. But If you announce during this long, hot summer that you're putting together a well crafted Feed –in-Tariff policy for the legislature to debate and pass in 2010 that could bring large amounts of jobs whose skill sets exactly match those of these fleeing Floridians, they might just be able to hang in until fall which will keep our teachers and public servants employed also. The Plumbers, electricians, roofers and engineers that have been sitting in their tool belts waiting for the phone to ring are leaving Florida by the truckloads. Let's keep them here to install solar on roofs of farms, churches and businesses that can profit from the energy they generate. The Feed in Tariff Policy works well for so many European communities and created 250,000 jobs in Germany – and the Gainesville story is a success. The FIT will make good jobs NOW, not 10 years from now like the nuclear plant or jobs for 10 minutes like the 3 huge arrays out in a field like the ones FPL is building. The National Renewable Energy Labs study proves that a Feed-in-Tariff is the quickest way to deploy renewable energy and at the lowest cost to the ratepayer. You have the proof. Small scale distributed generation is the solution for us all! This is a budget neutral policy that both sides of the aisle can get behind and requires no taxpayer dollars.

The Navigant Study commissioned for the PSC is dated. Since then the price of solar technology has come down 45% so far in 2009 and unemployment has surpassed the worst case scenario. It's time to revisit Feed-in-Tariff and formulate a renewable energy policy that puts the Sunshine State at the top of the renewable energy revolution. Right now, according to Solar Planet, Florida isn't even in the top 10 solar friendly states. We know that FP&L is one of the greenest utilities in the country but they need a model for small scale solar or solar on every roof.

The sun belongs to everyone. The new American dream is to get off the grid. A Feed in Tariff allows EVERYONE to participate. The opportunity to get the $1 trillion of private sector cash sitting in money market funds of private investors put into OUR Florida economy is fleeting. This money was in intangible assets like stocks and bonds and is now seeking a safe, physical investment with a reasonable rate of return. These investment dollars are fungible and will easily cross borders to the state that passes the Feed in Tariff first. Or even CANADA! It's a race. Jennifer Granholm in MI is this close to passing one up there. Do you really want all of these investment dollars going up there along with the workers who will fly to wherever a Feed in Tariff is passed first?

. Florida is one of the last states to even pass a Renewable Portfolio Standard? (notice no other state included NUCLEAR in their standards as Florida attempted to do last session)

We are being left in the dust when it comes to renewable energy despite what this one green utility is doing. Solar on Every Roof goes against the monopolistic FPL model but they'll adapt and make money; they always do and that's fine. Let us all make a little money. Create a new industry for Florida. That's what you'll be doing. We know you don't pass the laws but we want you to get ready for it because you'll have to make it work. Be our heroes. This could be a $14 million a year industry that could dwarf citrus and even tourism. That's what we need to get this state out of the muck. By the way, you'll be increasing our national security, energy independence and reducing our carbon footprint. I mean this is what the President wants, the Governor wants and most importantly what the people you represent want. Be Florida's HERO and prepare and recommend a fantastic Feed in Tariff policy for passage in Tallahassee in 2010. Thank you.

There was much applause in the room from the packed house of the Sarasota City Hall Chambers. Many others spoke to the FPSC about the Feed in Tariff. A letter to the editor of the Sarasota Herald Tribune shortly after from Martin Bregman of Venice sums up the PV situation in "The Sunshine State" –

"What could be more suspicious of corruption than the failure of the Florida Legislature to promote solar energy?"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Protesters bash FPLs $1.3 billion rate request - News -

Protesters bash FPL’s $1.3 billion rate request - News -

Shared via AddThis | 06/20/2009 | Protesters bash FPL’s $1.3 billion rate request

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Sunday, Jun 21, 2009

Posted on Sat, Jun. 20, 2009

Protesters bash FPL's $1.3 billion rate request


SARASOTA — Protesters, public officials and ordinary Joes bashed a $1.3 billion rate hike request by Florida Power & Light on Friday during a public hearing.

The request calls for an increase in base rates over two years of approximately 31 percent, beginning in January, according to statistics provided by the Office of Public Counsel, which represents customers in utility cases. That would tack an additional $12.40 a month onto the typical residential customer's bill, it said.

The company says its rate case calculations peg the monthly bill at $109 for typical residential customers, but has said that if fuel charges are figured in, the average bill would actually drop $5 per month.

In a recent interview with the Herald, Public Counsel J.R. Kelly said his office opposes the request, noting it is "just a tremendous amount of money here that ratepayers could be saddled with."

Solar contractors appeared in the back of the room during the Public Service Commission hearing, urging the panel to support a system in which big power companies would "buy back" excess electricity generated by small producers of renewable energy.

With signs that read "Jobs Now" and "Solar on Every Roof," solar contractors asked the panel to support a plan that would allow consumers who generate electricity with solar rooftop equipment, for example, to be able to sell the excess to power companies,

The contractors joined a crowd of more than 120 at Sarasota City Hall discussing Florida Power & Light's $1.3 billion request.

Among those opposing the rate hike request were an official who represented the Florida Retail Federation, with a membership of more than 9,000 merchants; a Sarasota County commissioner and the Sarasota mayor; the state president of AARP, representing senior citizens, and the vice chair of the environmental group, Manatee-Sarasota Sierra Club.

Val Gratias, of Bradenton, testified that her family's income has dropped 75 percent during the last couple of years as a result of the recession.

"A 30 percent increase would be devastating to us," she told the panel, which will make a formal decision on FPL's request next fall.

Sarasota Mayor Richard Clapp testified that city and county governments are under serious fiscal strain, are laying off employees and are facing diminishing resources.

He noted FPL seeks a 12.5 percent rate of return for its shareholders, asking "how does our pain stack up" against FPL shareholders' need for higher profits?

Helen Keller, of Bradenton, complimented the company on its service, saying she could see the justification in asking for an increase. However, she added, "My only concern is 31 percent in this economy would be very hard for people to do."

Doug Heinlen, state president of AARP, which represents senior citizens, noted that 20 percent of seniors receiving Social Security checks have no other income, and for them, such an increase would be unreasonable.

"I suggest FPL withdraw their request," he told the panel.

The rate request did have some defenders, such as Steve Block, a retiree from Palm-Aire, who said he was on a fixed income but did not mind paying another $12 a month if the quality of service were maintained.

Part of the discussion involved whether the state should institute a "feed-in tariff" system that would encourage generation of electricity through renewable sources, such as solar photovoltaic cells or wind power. Under such a system, electric utility companies would be required to buy renewable electricity at rates set by the government.

Jim Lampl, an environmental consultant and investor in small solar companies, urged the panel to back a new energy model that would penalize big users of electricity, reward conservation, and embrace the use of decentralized solar generation. t

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Rally for Renewables – Get out there and pitch a F.I.T.!

Fellow Floridians,                                 June 17, 2009

There has never been a better opportunity  to show your support for job creation, energy independence and renewables.   Florida Power & Light is increasing electricity rates and by law YOUR Florida Public Service Commission hears general statements from the public – YOU!  Don't let this opportunity to show these hard working commissioners that we the people need a Feed In Tariff and a Renewable Portfolio Standard passed during the next legislative session.  Your representatives are back home now reading the papers and listening to their constituents.  Let your local media know that your group plans on attending the rally for job creation and renewable energy outside the doors of these public meetings so that we can be heard louder than the lobbyists in Tallahassee. FP&L is one of the greenest utilities in the country and has advanced renewables like no other and will continue to do so – as long as they are the only ones allowed to profit from it.   Every electrician, plumber, roofer, youth group, school, place of worship, environmental group and concerned or unemployed citizen needs to attend. WE aren't AGAINST the rate increase – We are FOR small scale distributed generation of RENEWABLE ENERGY!


These service hearing dates and locations are:   








June 19


11:00 a.m.

City Commission Chambers City Hall  1565 First St.

Ft. Myers

June 19


6:00 p.m.

Lee County Public Ed. Center Boardroom 2855 Colonial Blvd.


June 23


4:00 p.m.

Daytona Beach City Commission Chambers 301 S. Ridgewood Ave.


June 24


9:00 a.m.

Brevard County Government Center Commission Room, Bldg.C

2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way

West Palm Beach

June 24


4:00 p.m.

Palm Beach County Gov. Center, Jane Thompson Memorial Chambers  301 N. Olive Ave.

Ft. Lauderdale

June 25


9:00 a.m.

Broward County Main Library Auditorium  100 S. Andrews Ave.


June 25


4:00 p.m.

Miami Science Museum  3280 S. Miami Ave.



  1. There are two important points to be made for those that respectfully appear before the Florida Public Service Commission.    The Florida State Legislature receives recommendations concerning  energy policy from the Public Service Commission to guide the government in passing laws.  The meetings outlined above represent our single best chance of having our voices heard on:We are the "SUNSHINE STATE" yet we don't even qualify for the top ten list of solar friendly states!  The top 10 solar-friendly states, then, are by latitude and attitude, mainly how much support there is among the citizenry, the available incentive and policy programs in place, and days of sunshiny weather. We got beat out by NM, CO, PA, MD, MA, CT, NJ, CA, OR, and MN.  Yes, really, Minnesota!   

For those unfamiliar with the Feed In Tariff  (FIT) or Renewable Energy Dividend, the FARE or Florida Alliance for Renewable Energy website has a lot of information and the You Tube videos linked below are an easy way to familiarize yourself with this policy that helped Germany become the leader in solar energy, create 250,000 GOOD jobs for plumbers, electricians, roofers, bankers, administrators, etc.   Basically a FIT requires no taxpayer dollars and is a renewable energy law that obliges energy suppliers to buy electricity produced from renewable resources at a fixed price, usually over a fixed period - even from householders. These legal guarantees ensure investment security, and the support of all viable renewable energy technologies.   The utility pays you for the cost of electricity your solar system produces PLUS a reasonable profit (5-7%).  Supporters argue that the feed-in model, if implemented effectively around the world, would greatly assist the energy revolution that is so desperately required; through CO2 reduction, market creation and development, job creation and improved energy security.  If a Feed In Tariff policy gets adopted by another state first (MI and even Canada are in this race and it is a race!!!!) then Florida runs the risk of all that investment capital and installers of these technologies fleeing the state to go where the Feed In Tariff policy is.  Do you want all of those resources flying north when we desperately need our friends, neighbors and colleagues back to work?

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory study ( proves that a Feed In Tariff is the quickest and most effective way to deploy renewable energy RAPIDLY and at the least cost to the ratepayer.  The only thing stopping this job growth machine that works so effectively in Europe is politics.  Plain and simple.  The more people that attend, the louder our collective voice.  Show up and be counted before it's too late for Florida. (one hour prior to the meeting so the commissioners will see you and your signs as they drive to the location)


                                                        CARRY YOUR SIGNS AND BANNERS HIGH





















MORE WIND FROM WINDMILLS – NOT LOBBYISTS  Why Solar is So Profitable in GRU (Quick info on Renewable Energy Dividend or FIT)