Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Florida Solar Energy Industries Association

These rebates that are available right now from the state, federal, and florida solar energy grants are so great for small businesses cash flow, I don't see how any business owner could pass them up. Basically the government is giving you money to put these systems on your roof. The Florida rebate program was the least secure with the legislature just sending the approved budget (which Florida used federal block grant money to fund) to Governor Crist who has yet to approve. If approved, which many say is probable, the Florida rebates of $100,000 for commercial pv systems and $20,000 for residential will be honored, if you get your application in the queue.

Florida Solar Energy Industries Association: "Bottom line: If the budget is approved by the Governor it will provide the 2009–2010 Solar Rebate Program fiscal year with $14.4 million of funding. Applicants in the queue will receive rebates first . . . current estimate of approximately $5 million has been approved. This plus the other opportunities for solar I have outlined above."
This is from the May 12, 2009 The Silver Lining to No RPS from the flaseia.org website.

Because you live in the Sunshine State!!!

Monica Kennedy
Elite Solar Services
Sarasota, FL 34240

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